April Tournament Santa Rosa CA

Shoka Magazine May 2023 – Tournament and Travels

May 1, 2023  

Sensei Smilling

 Marty Callahan

8th Degree Black Belt

“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any  hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and success of liberty.” – John F. Kennedy 35th President of the United States

Parents, families, students and friends,

Our April 1, 2023 Santa Rosa Invitational Karate Tournament was a great event. The 32 students who chose  to compete put their heart and soul into their performances and it showed. We are tremendously proud of all  of them and feel honored to have them as students and to encourage them on their way to Black Belt. If you

missed it, we live streamed it and saved it on our YouTube Channel. Just search for Shotokan Karate  Leadership School.

I’m in Japan as I finish this edition of Shoka Magazine. I’ll have a full report for our June edition. I have been  sightseeing with my friends and new friends from New Zealand and Canada. The training starts on Friday,  April 14. There’s also a new group joining us from France. Traveling to train with other students is a valuable  experience. We highly recommend it for anyone 7 years old and up and green belt and above. If you’re below  green belt and want to go we’ll discuss with your family whether it’s a good idea. Our next trip will be to  Calgary Canada about June 30 to July 2. The actual dates have not been finalized. We’ll let you know once  we know. I’m going to do my best to create a video journal of my Japan trip that you’ll be able to check out on  our YouTube Channel if you’re interested.

Don’t forget to look at the details of our Saturday, May 6th Award Ceremony at the Finley Center Auditorium. It  will include on stage performances from all of our students… including your son, daughter or grandchild, a  potluck dinner, and… drumroll!!!… A Samurai Sword Cake Cutting! Great fun will be had for all.

Here’s what’s in it this month’s Shoka Magazine:

  • Shoka News (our newsletter)
  • May Award Ceremony Announcement
  • Results of the April 1st Santa Rosa Invitational Karate Tournament
  • Fistslinger
  • Who are you
  • 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  • Monster Truck Show
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy Self Defeating Rules 6 to 10 out of 14
  • Mother’s Day Surprise

Yours truly,

Marty Callahan, 8th Degree Black Belt

Founder, Chief Instructor, Author