Top 10 Reasons You Don’t Exercise – Part II

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

  1. You want to exercise but you have to take care of your family.

You don’t have to neglect your family to fit in exercise. Join a health club that has a daycare center or do a video while they nap. If they’re old enough, have them participate in your routine by lifting very small weights or counting your repetitions, or take them with you on your daily walk. Show your family what it means to be healthy by giving them a good role model. Contact Shotokan Karate Leadership School about family discounts.  Families that kick together, stick together! Karate at a Shotokan Karate Leadership School is a great way to stay fit!

  1. You can’t seem to stay motivated to continue working out.

Feeling Safe with Martial ArtsIf you’re tired, have swamp blood or stagnant feeling, stressed or bored with your workouts, it’s hard to keep going. To combat that, change your routine every 4 to 6 weeks by trying something new or changing your intensity or time. Remind yourself every day what your goals are and what you have to do to reach them. Reward yourself often (massages make great gifts). Shotokan Karate Leadership School does this for you with exciting, dynamic and fun curriculums that will keep you coming back for more. It works!

  1. Exercise HURTS!

You don’t have to hurt yourself to reap the benefits of exercise. When doing your cardiovascular exercise, make sure you’re in your target heart rate zone. You should be able to carry on a conversation, not huffing and puffing. When it comes to weight training, there should be effort involved since lean body tissue only grows when you challenge yourself. Using the heaviest weight you can handle for 12-16 reps will help you get the most out of your workouts. You should feel slight burning, but not teeth-gritting pain! Since martial arts is an individual sport, it is easy to gear for all fitness levels.

  1. You can’t make the commitment to stick to an exercise routine.

Conflict Resolution When you look at exercise in the long term (i.e., that you have to exercise on a daily basis FOREVER), it can be overwhelming. However, you don’t have to change your life overnight. Start with small goals, such as to be more active every day by taking the stairs and moving around more. Decide you’ll get up 10 minutes early to walk or lift weights. Over time, you can increase your workout time and try new things. For now, just worry about making it a daily habit. Remember, keep it fun! Shotokan Karate Leadership School has programs for those that want to train 1-2 times per week or those that would like unlimited classes. Visit Shotokan Karate Leadership School to learn more about Karate  programs so you can choose which one is right for you and your family.

  1. You don’t have time!

Physically inactive people have just as much free time as exercisers, so you can chuck this excuse! Here’s how to get past a busy schedule:

  • Schedule your exercise time.
  • If you can’t find a full 30 minutes during your day, break it up into 10 or 15 minute segments.
  • Get up a few minutes early and take a brisk walk, use 15 minutes of your lunch hour to walk the stairs and walk the dog or lift weights after work.
  • Keep a calendar of your workouts so you can track your progress and stay motivated.  Shotokan Karate Leadership School instructors can help keep you on track as well. Their job is to keep you motivated.
  • Remember that exercise generates energy–the more energy you have, the more you’ll get done each day.

Time is not an excuse, if we put more emphasis on doing something physically productive yet fun every day (little more down time from the TV) we could alter the time we have left in life.

Please visit for information about our Karate school in Santa Rosa, CA!


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