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Do what’s right

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Niju Kun #3 – One who practices karate must follow the way of justice.

This is the third of 20 precepts of Master Gichin Funakoshi, the Father of Modern-Day Karate. Master Funakoshi is known to millions of people around the world and is considered to be one of the three most important martial art masters of the 20th century.

ScalesJustice is doing what is right in the right way. To follow ‘the way of justice’ means to do what you do daily with the intent of doing the right thing in the right way.

Justice is most needed in difficult situations where the right thing is not easily known.

How do you apply justice in these situations? Well, you would start by quieting yourself and then asking ‘what is the right thing to do?’ Then be still and listen for the answer, an idea will come to you, that is what you should do.

Conflict Resolution for KidsYou are learning this when you strive to perform your techniques as close to the ideal as possible. Every time you train you will be taking another step to having a clear understanding of the difference between right and wrong. And you will have formed the habit of searching for what is right and doing it in the right way.

So now, when you are pressed to choose between one action or another, you will more easily choose to follow the way of justice.

“The most profound thing the dojo has given me is a sanctuary. I always look forward to training and always leave feeling better. I am challenged in ways more than just physical. I have become a more humble human being. I feel accepted and respected by all my peers and this has brought me great happiness.”

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Never Attack First

Niju Kun #2 – In karate, never attack first.  This is the second of 20 precepts of Master Gichin Funakoshi, the Father of Modern-Day Karate. Master Funakoshi is known by millions of people all around the world and is considered to be one of the three most important martial art masters of the 20th century.

CourtesyThis principle means to be peaceful and not think about hurting anyone, to always wish other people well. At the same time, you are aware that another person might not have the same peaceful intentions towards you and decide to attack you. If this happens, then you can make the first move to stop them. Physically you would attack first, but mentally they attacked first.  A simple example is if someone is angry with you and there’s a stick nearby, and they look  angrily at you, and then at the stick, and then back to you, and then they reach for the stick. It’s pretty easy to know that their intention is to club you with the stick. You would be foolish to wait for them to hit you before responding. You should act first to prevent them from attacking you.

Parent and Child safety at SKLSPatience, tolerance and self-control are demonstrations of strength. Tolerate what you see as weaknesses and inconsistencies in others. Be patient with yourself and others and control your actions and reactions. These are signs of true strength.  Weak individuals strike first with little provocation. The strong restrain themselves as long as possible. We practice this in class during sparring, when we learn to wait as long as possible before responding to an attack. Even if we are playing the role of the attacker we watch carefully and attack only when we sense an opening.

When you act with restraint others will notice and unconsciously treat you the same way. And, of course, the reverse is true. If you react violently to the slightest provocation then people will treat you in the same way.

An ancient martial art dictum says “Only after reaching the point where the situation can no longer be tolerated can the blade be drawn from its scabbard.”

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Start and end with respect

Niju Kun #1 – Do not forget that karate begins and ends with a bow

This is the first of 20 precepts of Master Gichin Funakoshi, the Father of Modern-Day Karate. Master
Funakoshi is known by millions of people all around the world and is considered to be one of the three
most important martial art masters of the 20th century.
A bow is a true representation of respect. It is a way to show someone that you see them and properly
accept them. But it is not enough to see someone, you must also show that you accept them properly. A
Karate can help you outbow does this. It shows the person that you see them and accept them for who they are.
A bow is commonly used in eastern cultures but it is not the only way to show respect. In western
cultures respect is shown by greeting someone politely and offering to shake their hand. This lets them
know that you see them and acknowledge their significance. It also tells them that you’re coming in
friendship and that you trust them.
Showing respect to another person can have a huge impact on their lives. It might seem small to you, but
it might be very big for them. Imagine if you shook hands with the President of the United States. You
probably won’t forget it.
Before you can truly respect others, you must respect yourself, otherwise you risk coming across as
insincere. How you look, act, think and speak will indicate how much you respect yourself. If your clothes
Karate helps with Conflict Resolutionare torn and dirty, if you act like you don’t care, if you speak in a crude manner all these things will signal
to the other person that you don’t have a lot of respect for yourself and as a consequence you don’t
respect them.
We share emotions with other people. When someone respects us, we feel good. So, when we respect
ourselves, we feel good. When we respect another person, they feel good. When they feel good, they
respect themselves more.
Life is hard, the more we do to respect ourselves and others the easier life will be for all of us.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Karate and stress Management

Benefits of Regularly Practicing Martial Arts

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Martial arts can be seen by outsiders as an aggressive way of life. However, this is far from the truth. Karate is a discipline that boosts a number of good aspects of a disciple’s lifestyle and keeps him or her stable, both – mentally and physically. Moreover, the fact that a person burns a lot of calories during a single karate workout means that it can prove to be a very effective weight-loss program as well.

Karate has come a long way from its origin as a martial art. It is now widely practiced and learnt by people all over the world. People practice it because it provides several health benefits in addition to being a martial art.

Ideal for stress management

Although karate originated as a form of self-defense and attack, more and more people are becoming aware of the self-control boosting properties of the discipline. There is significant focus on developing the body and mind to work in perfect harmony. Endurance, general physical fitness and conditioning are the hallmarks of this martial art.

Stress management is a very important aspect because of the fact that being relaxed and calm is central to the ability of learning various techniques. Martial Arts can teach the art of patience and mind control to a person. Long practice of karate has the potential to train the mind to focus more. Martial Arts has helped many in strengthening their memory, managing their stress and making them more calm and determined as a person.

Karate for cardio and stretching

Stretching and CardioOne prominent aspect when compared to most other forms of martial arts that you are likely to notice is the fact that pushing or extending movements tend to be much more common than pulling or contractive movements. It promotes whole body movement in order to ensure that the body is in synchronization when it needs to perform the art.

Calisthenics is a very important aspect of karate when it comes to both, cardio and stretching areas of the martial art. Individuals practicing will experience increased oxygen intake as well as energy levels and a feeling of being significantly rejuvenated. The workout is guaranteed to work up sweat with there being sudden changes in pace of the workout that help further develop the anaerobic aspects of the body.

Martial Arts is a great cardio exercise, meaning that it is great for the health of the heart and blood circulation in general. It is especially useful for people who are old and unable to go to gym or exercise regularly. It greatly helps in weight reduction and in improving fitness of its practitioners.

The stretching movements help to strengthen the muscles of arms and legs. It is a great way to train the body to become stronger and more flexible.

Martial Arts for self defense

Self DefenseOriginally developed as a form of self – defense, Karate is a very useful tool to possess in the event you find yourself in a vicious, unprovoked attack. You learn to use the aggressors own weaknesses against him. It is because of this that karate teaches you to remain calm and collected. People that are filled purely with anger or rage during an altercation have their judgment clouded. Students tend to be able to see their opponent’s weakness as a result of their ability to remain calm.  Another aspect of martial arts is the fact that there is a lot of focus on reducing the impact that your opponent’s attacks will have on you.

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3 Popular Martial Art Techniques And How They Enhance Strength SKLS

3 Popular Martial Art Techniques And How They Enhance Strength

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

This article is about increasing your strength through three popular martial arts techniques. The techniques are punching and two different kinds of kicks.

People come to martial arts for a number of reasons. Some are attracted to martial arts because they want to learn to defend themselves. Others come because they want to tap into martial arts’ vast power as a tool for personal growth. Still others come merely because they are looking for a way to get in shape that’s fun and spares them the tedious repetitiveness of the gym.

While martial arts can give a student all of these things, it is at its heart, a form of strenuous physical activity. The practice of any martial arts can be an excellent means of becoming leaner, suppler, faster, more flexible and stronger.

Strength Equals Power in Martial Arts

Strength Equals Power in Martial ArtsThis rule holds true in any kicks in martial arts technique. At many martial arts schools, increasing strength is one of the things we focus on. Lifting weights is great but for a martial artist, it’s not desirable to develop a bodybuilder’s physique. Much of the strength training at martial arts facilities is inherent in the techniques itself.

Front Snap Kicks for Core Strength in Martial Arts

All martial arts kicks utilize the muscle groups in the legs, however, many of the kicks they practice also call on core muscle groups like the abdominals and lower back muscles. Practicing martial arts front snap kicks with their high chambering of the knee is a particularly good way of increasing core strength in your abs, while simultaneously strengthening the muscles in your legs.

Punching Your Way to a Stronger Upper Body in Martial Arts

When it comes to punches in martial arts, strength equals speed which equals power; the three are intertwined. So, while a certain amount of weight lifting may help to increase your punching power, similarly, throwing punches in martial arts will help you develop better upper body strength. Working out on the heavy bag, hitting focus pads and other methods of practicing punches are all ways to enhance upper body strength through martial arts technique.

Side Kicks for Lower Body Strength in Martial Arts

Front Snap Kicks for Core Strength in Martial ArtsThe side kick is one of the most immediate and devastating techniques in martial arts. Like a front snap kick in martial arts, side kicks utilize core muscles to some degree. However, side kicks place a greater demand on the lower body than many other martial arts kicks. Practicing side kicks is an excellent way to build greater strength in your legs, hips, and thighs. The hard work you put into building this strength through practicing your kicks in martial arts will pay dividends by translating as power when you unleash that side kick on a target.

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Child Safety at SKLS

Child Safety is More Than Just a “Stranger Danger” Campaign

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Child safety isn’t just about “stranger danger.” Child safety is a topic that no parent, guardian, or child should be without knowledge of. Parents and guardians should make child safety part of a child’s day-to-day life by practicing some important skills to keep children safe. One way to promote safety in kids is through martial arts training. Martial arts teaches discipline, focus, and techniques that can be used to defend oneself against an attacker. The skills learned in martial arts can provide a child with the ability to protect themselves and give them a sense of security when faced with a potentially dangerous situation.

Parent and Child safety at SKLSToday children need to be empowered with positive messages and age-appropriate skills that will build their self-confidence and self-esteem while helping to keep them safer. They need to learn how to recognize and avoid potentially dangerous situations. And, if ending up in a dangerous or scary situation, children need to do everything they can to get out of that situation. They don’t need to be told the world is a scary place. They watch the news, hear adults talking, and may even experience violence firsthand. Rather, they need to know their parent, guardian, or another trusted adult is there for them if they are in trouble. And they also need to know most adults they encounter in their lives are good people. In specific situations such as being lost outside, the child safety messages need to be tailored to those circumstances. Children should…

  • Not wander away from where they first became lost because staying put may increase the chances of being found. If that place becomes too dangerous, children should go to the nearest safe spot and wait for rescuers.
  • Make noise either by yelling, blowing a whistle, or attracting attention in some other way. This will help in bringing someone to their rescue. A simple child safety technique is yelling, “You’re Not My Mommy” or “You’re Not My Daddy” and running away. Many Martial Arts schools teach simple break away techniques to help ensure children are able to get away if and when needed. Some have engaging video and software-based curriculums as well.

Parents and guardians should make child safety part of a child’s everyday life in a reassuring way by practicing some of these skills. Whether it’s Parents should make child safety a everyday thing at SKLSchecking first with a trusted adult, taking a friend, or avoiding and getting out of dangerous situations, there are easy “what-if” scenarios to practice with your children to make sure they “get it.” Make outings to a mall or park a “teachable moment” to help reinforce these skills. This practice will help them know what to do if they become lost or are in danger. Practice these skills on a regular basis to make sure they become second nature.

One way martial arts can help promote child safety is by teaching kids how to defend themselves in dangerous situations. Many martial arts programs incorporate self-defense training as part of their curriculum. This can help kids feel more confident in themselves and better equipped to deal with dangerous situations, whether they are on their own or with a group of friends.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!

self esteem for kids and adults at skas

Self-Esteem for Kids and Adults at Shotokan Karate Leadership School

Martial arts provide a strong foundation and an individual can continue to build on it as they grow older. It is not only great for the physical aspect but it teaches you how to be humble and disciplined. You learn how to respect other people and their opinions no matter what they are. It helps you become more confident in who you are.

Self-esteem is a psychological term used to indicate a person’s total emotional assessment of his or her own value. It is important for adults as well as children to have a high self esteem. Even though children are not usually aware of what self esteem is, they feel its presence or absence in many situations. Your kids are the ones who suffer the most as they don’t know how to deal with lack of self-esteem. Most of the time the kids go into a shell and they find it hard to come out of their comfort zone. In many cases kids need help from someone who is very close to them. Sometimes joining a self-help group helps as it builds confidence and helps kids in overcoming their shyness.

effective way of getting back your self-esteem However, the most effective way of getting back your self-esteem is to enroll yourself in self-defense classes like some kind of martial arts training program such as karate or judo. It has been found to be very useful for both adults and kids. After attending these self-defense classes, most of the kids have found a way to overcome their lack of self-esteem and they’ve started feeling a lot better about their overall self-worth.

Martial arts is a great way to boost self-esteem in a number of ways. It can give you a physical outlet for aggression and stress, make you stronger and more fit, help you learn how to defend yourself, and give you a sense of accomplishment from mastering new skills. When you feel good about your abilities, it can translate  into a greater sense of self-esteem and confidence in other areas of your life, too.

people of all ages and gender At  Shotokan Karate Leadership School you can see people of all ages and gender fighting it out among themselves and getting this feeling of self-belief. It is not only beneficial for them in the short-run, but in the future also they may face a lot of difficult conditions and this training would definitely help them cope with any such uncomfortable situation.

For adults, especially for women, it would be helpful in dealing with people who may be stalking them and have the wrong intentions and ensure that they avoid a state where they lose all their self-esteem.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Develop leadership skills with karate

Develop Leadership Skills with Martial Arts

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

There is a constant dearth of leaders in every walk of life. Everyone likes to wait around, take orders and not take responsibility for themselves or anyone else. Not everyone is born a leader, but it is a skill that can be learned with dedication and practice. Also, the earlier the skill training, the easier it becomes to inculcate leadership skills. What does martial arts have to do with inculcating the spirit of leadership among kids though?

Martial arts teaches kids to be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others. It also helps them develop discipline, focus and self-confidence. These are all essential traits of a good leader. Leaders need to be able to think on their feet and take quick decisions in difficult situations. They also need to be able to inspire others and be a source of guidance in difficult times. Martial arts can help kids develop all these skills.

Martial arts teaches the importance of teamworkMartial arts also teaches kids the importance of teamwork. A good martial artist knows that he cannot achieve anything without the help of his teammates. He learns to respect and cooperate with others, which is essential for any teamwork activity. Leaders need to  be able to work well with others, and martial arts can help kids develop this skill. Kids who practice martial arts learn how to stay calm under pressure. This is a very important trait for leaders. Leaders need to be able to make decisions quickly and efficiently, without letting emotions get in the way. martial arts can help kids learn how to stay

Does martial arts training help develop leadership skills?

Learning martial arts has many benefits for kids and adults. But one benefit that not many know of is that these arts can help develop leadership skills, especially among kids and teens. When a martial art is taught, there are values like discipline, respect and goal setting that are an integral part of training right from the first day.

How does martial arts training help develop leadership skills?Martial arts training helps with leadership

  • Martial arts for kids helps you have a dream and be bold to dream big. You may want to reach the black belt someday, or learn a difficult advanced maneuver. This helps develop vision as a leader, and to look far ahead when starting something. It also helps set long term goals and strive towards reaching them.
  • Martial arts is difficult and the only way to keep learning and growing is to stay positive and not get dejected when you fail at something. This works exactly the same for good leaders.
  • Martial arts also inspires humility, because there will always be someone who knows more than you, or is more skilled than you. The same goes for leaders, as humility inspires you to keep learning from others who are better at something than you.

Enrolling kids early on into martial arts classes can help instil and hone leadership skills and qualities, so that they learn not just to be leaders early on, but be good at it later in life.

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Martial Arts to Combat Childhood Obesity

Engaging In Martial Arts To Combat Childhood Obesity

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

With childhood obesity having become a national epidemic in recent decades, more and more parents are discovering that Martial Arts can be an effective solution for helping their children to keep or get their weight under control. This engaging, enduring activity offers children (and adults) a complete fitness program that benefits development and improvement of the whole body.

Fortunately, our community has had caring instructors teaching Martial Arts to children and adults. Karate schools haven’t just stood by and watched in dismay as this particular childhood malady has spread at a remarkable pace with dismal, disheartening, and costly results. Parents everywhere bring their kids in to train at Martial Arts facilities to address the issue and obtain a litany of great benefits in addition.

Childhood obesity is a multi-faceted problemChildhood obesity is a complex and multi-faceted problem. Martial Arts, contrary to what many people believe, have less to do with violence and more to do with self-improvement. It may sound cliché, but once embraced, Martial Arts for many become an overwhelmingly positive “way of life!” The physical practice of martial arts incorporates many aspects leading to fitness and well-being, including strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, and becoming more agile, energetic, and in control of the body. Together, these elements of Martial Arts training are a very powerful tool in combating childhood obesity.

A reputable Martial Arts school will have qualified staff who diligently commit to each and every student to help him or her reach the top of his or her potential, not just on the mats and in the ring, but in all walks of life. In quality kids, teen, and adult Martial Arts programs, instructors work with individuals to help them derive from Martial Arts the benefits most crucial to leading healthy, happy, and productive lives.

Using Martial Arts to combat childhood obesityWhen it comes to combating childhood obesity, great role models and trusted teachers encourage behaviors within the walls of the Martial Arts studio that are typically carried over into every aspect of students’ lives. Martial Arts training is even more beneficial with instruction and practice of virtues like self-control, self-discipline, and self-respect. Instructors typically also promote constructive behavior, temptation resistance, and moderation of consumption.

Childhood obesity is a very serious problem but it can be subdued and conquered. Addressing it is the responsibility not just of parents and kids themselves, but of the whole community. We must set a good example and provide an atmosphere that encourages healthy development and lifestyle choices. Martial Arts are among the most powerful tools at our disposal to halt and reverse this harmful, ongoing trend.

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Feeling Safe through martial arts

Learn to Feel Safe Through Martial Arts Classes

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Most people send their children or join themselves in a karate class so as to facilitate learning of self-defense techniques. Regardless of age, this is the major reason that people are drawn towards karate. Everyone likes to feel safe as it can also give you a feeling of empowerment. The confidence that comes along with learning how to be able to defend yourself is a great boost for your self-esteem and assurance. Bullying at school is no new concept and however advanced schooling systems may have become, there is always room for learning how to stand up for yourself and be confident.

Bullying is not only prevalent in schoolyards but also at the workplace. Verbal and physical abuse can be just as traumatizing in a professional setting. The self-defense techniques that you learn in martial arts class can help protect you from bullies and abusers, whether they are your colleagues or bosses. Martial arts  training can help you keep your cool in high-pressure situations and react with a clear head. There is no need to be paranoid, but martial arts training gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you have some self-defense skills. You will feel more in control of any situation in which someone is threatening you

How does karate make you feel safe?

How to make you feel safeKarate is a self-defense tool that is always available at your disposal. Students build up self-defense techniques that help protect against the most common ways of being assaulted. They learn to block slaps, block punches to any part of the body, block kicks to the groin and disengage themselves from grabs or chokes.

Students at Shotokan Karate Leadership School train regularly in order to not only build up skills of defending themselves from a physical attack but also to develop their confidence, self-esteem, fitness, strength, agility, sharpness and focus. Karate is not only meant to teach you how to fight, it also imbibes in students the importance of respect, courtesy, self-control, self-restraint and discipline. This holistic development, both physically and mentally, is the best remedy for a student to feel safe.

Martial arts classes provide a sense of safety and security to students. According to the National Institute of Justice, martial arts can help an individual defend themselves against physical attacks. Train regularly in order to not only build up skills of defending yourself, but to also increase your physical fitness, strength and agility. This will help you feel safe in any situation. Martial arts are a great way to gain self-defense skills and feel safe when out and about.

Parents leave their children in safe hands

In safe handsThe instructors at Shotokan Karate Leadership School are well-trained and experts at helping their students to grow and develop through learning karate. As a parent, you can be left assured that your child is in the safest hands. All training sessions are watched over and supervised by instructors to ensure quality training.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!