How to Choose a Karate School for You or Your Kids

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

In the Karate business, not all schools are created equal. Karate instructors generally do not have to answer to a state agency or even have specific training. Some schools require all Karate instructors to become certified prior to owning or operating a Karate school, and keep their national certifications and qualifications up to date.

Finding a Karate SchoolCertifications such as the following might be required:

  • CPR
  • State and Federal background check
  • Class management skills certification
  • Physical skills certification
  • Child safety skills and drills
  • Bullying prevention techniques

Below are some key steps, questions to ask, and tips when choosing a Karate School:

  1. Research on the internet. Read Karate articles, stories, testimonials, and learn as much as you can about your local Karate schools.
  2. Make an appointment. The school should offer a free introductory class, take it and experience the class, the school  and the instructors. This should be a positive experience with class structure and a personal rapport with you and your family.
  3. Gauge the attitude of the instructor and the students. This can serve as an accurate indicator of school spirit.  Respect goes both ways, you should see both the instructor and students showing it at all times.
  4. Does the class have structure and self control? A Karate class should include a warm up, specific training material and cool down. Many schools encourage the students to arrive early to their Karate class so they can stretch before the class to prevent injuries.
  5. Consider location. The school’s proximity to your home or work should seriously be taken into consideration prior to enrolling into a program.
  6. Inspect the equipment and facility. Karate schools vary in the type of equipment and amenities they offer. Does the school appear clean? Are Karate students required to wear safety gear?
  7. Evaluate the class sizes and schedule. Many new students prefer to be part of a larger class, rather than a small class as the energy levels of the class are higher; however, the benefits of a smaller class should not be overlooked. You will also want to ask when classes are offered, how long are the classes, and can your class schedule be flexible if needed.
  8. Determine the quality of instruction. Is the instructor certified? What rank does he or she hold? How long has he or she been in Karate? Who is his or her senior instructor and how often do they train together? Are they certified by a reputable national Karate organization?
  9. Check the class ages and groups. What age can my child start? Are the classes separated by age and/or belt level? Are you looking for a family class?
  10. Learn their ranking/belt system. How often do you test for rank? What are the requirements? Is my rank nationally recognized? Can you transfer out of the area to another academy with the same Karate style and curriculum?
  11. Know the price of instruction and other required fees. Prices vary depending on the program. Ask about paid in full options, many times this will not only save you money, but it will also include free gear or a considerable discount. Be sure to ask questions, the instructor should be receptive to your questions and answer in a clear manner. Is everything discussed, well documented within the membership agreement?
  12. See if they offer a variety of Karate programs. Search for a school that offers multiple programs for the entire family from preschool to adults, or offers multiple disciplines or styles that you might enjoy.

Find the right Karate SchoolIt’s always smart to do your research prior to enrolling at a school. Seeing what the school has to offer will give parents and potential students a better understanding of the commitment and guide you in making your decision for the right Karate School.

Please visit for information about our Karate school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Learning Self Confidence

Learning Self Confidence Through Karate

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Karate trains you not to just become a powerful fellow, however, a lot of the training involves becoming mentally strong too. In addition to those self-defense skills, you are going to improve your self-confidence too. Hence, physical and mental health, it’s all included in the world of Karate.

Everyone can benefit from Karate. Whether you’re a male, female, kid, old, young, the training knows no limits. I can even go as far as to say that Karate provides full training for both mind and body. Hence, when you’re mentally and physically fit, you get a huge boost in your self-confidence.

If you’re not quite sure how Karate can help you in improving your self confidence, here we go.

Karate teaches you to overcome the unexpected challenges

We live in a world where everything is uncertain. The fear of the unknown is something that a lot of people fear every day. The constant series of “what ifs” can mentally disturb an individual. But when it comes to Karate, it’s much deeper than that.

In the world of Karate, anything can happen. Winning and losing is a big part that makes you realize how uncertain your life is. Maybe you lost to your opponent even though you felt like you were stronger.

On the other hand, when there’s no way out, you start to embrace the outcome. Winning or losing? These types of challenges don’t even matter anymore. Comparing this to real life, Karate makes you prepare for the challenges and gives you self-confidence by eliminating the fear of the unknown.

Karate teaches Self ConfidenceKarate focuses on Individual Growth

Probably one of the best things about Karate is that it pushes you according to your own pace. You’re not going to get judged. You’re going to make individual growth, and that’s just how it is. Every person progresses at his own pace. You cannot expect everyone to move at the same pace.

Hence, you don’t compare yourself with other Karate students, and this is important for kids as they’ll get a huge boost in self-confidence. Moreover, when you start mastering your craft, even small accomplishments can give you a sense of fulfillment. When you know that your hard work is paying off, you’ll become self-aware and confident.

Failing and picking yourself up

Failure is a part of life. A lot of us are so afraid of failure that even the thought of failing shatters our self confidence. In reality, it’s the opposite. A person who’s never failed in his life will hardly improve. Therefore, Karate teaches us that all great lessons are learned through failure. Big or small, there’s always a lesson in failure.

While you will be learning a lot in Karate, don’t expect it to be easy. You’ll be defeated multiple times, and you’ll realize that only you can pick yourself up. Perfection is wrong and failure is inevitable. When you learn these two lessons, your self-confidence increases drastically.

Karate relieves your stressunexpected challenges

Just like failure, stress is a part of our lives too. Whether our stress is related to constant fights or having less time to enjoy the luxuries of life, Karate gives us some room to relax and breathe. Moreover, when you’re doing physical labor, your stress is bound to release.

Karate practice is ideal to get rid of stress, and it tackles almost all aspects of your life that are difficult.

For example, Karate is all about breathing control. And when you make your breathing move in a flow, it connects your mind with your body, giving you physical and mental relief from stress.

Karate enables you to learn something new

Breaking limits and learning new skills are a big part of Karate. If you think that you know everything, Karate will prove you wrong. Rather than slacking off and procrastinating, when you learn Karate, you learn so many valuable things that it gives you the ultimate self confidence.

For example, the main goal of Karate is to teach the students self discipline, self worth, self confidence, self reflection, and the ability to never give up! Pain brings more confidence. And this is not masochism. The main goal is to embrace that pain and learn something from it.


Whether you want to learn the art of becoming self-confident or you want to surpass your abilities, Karate provides a great base for you to have a more fulfilling and calm life. Especially for children, if you learn Karate at a relatively young age, it can change the way their adulthood is being shaped up.

Please visit for information about our Karate school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Creating a Motivated Mindset

Creating a Motivated Mindset

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

It is hard to keep one’s motivation fueled up. The bed is always there, waiting, warm and comforting. You tell yourself you need a break from all the rigors of your professional life. It is impossible to keep oneself motivated for long hours. However, this can be taught. You can train to be a much more motivated individual. To do this, ask yourself two questions.

  1. Are both the mind and the body extremely tired?
  2. Is your body healthy, but it takes a lot of mental struggle to rise up from the bed every day?

The first question assists you to take a decision whether or not you should provide yourself a deserved and much needed hiatus from work. The second question indicates the need for motivating yourself.

Motivation in this context can be defined as the reason or the number of reasons which one enjoys for behaving or acting in a certain manner. It can also be described as a willingness or the desire of a person to achieve something. It can also be explained as the force which causes a person to do something.

Two kinds of motivation function as influence or force or “reasons”. The two kinds are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivationextrinsically motivated

This is motivation which comes from the outside of any individual. These include third party approval, award points, money, attention from others and time. Other motivational factors are Social Media “Likes”, numbers on the scale and avoiding any negative reactions derived from others. It follows that an athlete competing for a medal is extrinsically motivated.

 external validationIntrinsic motivation

This is based on internal pleasure which comes from participation in an activity or process. The person motivated in such a manner derives happiness from learning and skill development. The athlete is determined exclusively for the sole satisfaction of learning. He or she wants to be masterful and competent. An example of this is the rower who rowed constantly for better practice sans any immediate external validation.

Find out where your own motivation lies as this can be different for each person and remind yourself of that motivation every day!

Please visit for information about our martial arts school  in Santa Rosa, CA!

Value of respect

Shotokan Karate Leadership School Teaches Respect to Students

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Karate to the common man may only be a ritual of self-defense and fighting techniques. However, the intricacies of learning karate go much deeper than this superficial belief. Karate is known to teach its students much more than just a fighting style. Martial arts training programs have a great number of varied, unifying and underlying principles that are also taught to students.

A few of these values that are imparted to students at Shotokan Karate Leadership School include self-discipline, courtesy, greater self-confidence, larger self-esteem and strength of mind. However, one of the most important fundamental principles that underlie a karate training program is the principle of respect.

Value of respect

Respect to StudentsRespect is a value that everyone understands the need and importance of. Respect needs to be both given and received. One of the aspects of respect that is commonly looked over is self-respect. Having self-respect is one of the most important stepping stones to being able to respect others and develop as a person. However, even though respect holds such importance, it is not commonly seen today especially in the youth.

How martial arts training can develop respect

Develop RespectMartial arts training programs are specifically designed to imbibe a sense of respect into students both on and off the mat. The environment at a karate training center helps students to not only develop respect for their seniors and instructors, but also for their peers. As a student develops and learns karate he understands that the best way forward is through perseverance and self-belief. It is natural for a student to subsequently develop a sense of self-respect as well. Many parents have observed that their children have developed a greater sense of respect not only for the people at their training classes but also in all other crucial areas of their lives.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!


True Story: How Johnny’s parents had to change for him to succeed

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

NOTE: Names have been changed to protect the unknowing parents and the innocent child.

Four years before coming into our school, Jill had given birth to a beautiful baby boy named Johnny.  Robert and Jill had held off having children until they had established their careers. Jill was 38, Robert was 41 and Johnny was their first child.

young boy punchingThey were perplexed by the fact that their son could be a strong-willed terror with them but shy and reticent with others. He dominated them with angry outbursts and temper tantrums until he got his way.  While outside their home he would adamantly refuse to try anything new. They gave in to him and bribed him with toys and food. But he was going to be starting school soon and they were worried that it would not go well.

Johnny had seen martial arts in a cartoon and had taken a liking to it. Jill had heard that a good martial arts school would teach self-control to a child prone to angry outbursts, and instill confidence in one who was shy. They wanted to give karate training a try. So they brought him to our school with the hope that this nightmare would end soon, and that they could get the happy child they had dreamed about.

Jill and Robert believed that the problem was with their son. They wanted him to become independent so they were letting him have a say in family decisions. Jill believed that using her position as the mother to control her son would harm him emotionally and stunt his personal growth. Robert didn’t believe in rules.  His parents were strong authoritarians who harped at him constantly about being responsible. They had rules for everything and didn’t believe in coddling their child. As a matter of fact he could only remember them telling him that they loved him once in his whole life and he didn’t want to be that kind of parent. He felt that his son needed a friend, not a disciplinarian. He wanted him to be free. So the few rules that the family had were rarely enforced.

Coming into Our School

When they came into our school, even though Johnny had been excited about taking karate, he refused to come out on the floor. Robert told us that he was ‘shy’ and then Jill asked Johnny if he wanted to take the class. Johnny continued to refuse and began to throw a tantrum. They looked at us and said they didn’t want to make him do anything he didn’t want to do. There was no doubt about it. Johnny was in charge.

The Dangers Inherent in a Permissive Parenting Style

What Jill and Robert didn’t know was that they were employing a permissive parenting style which based on their past experiences, seemed like the right thing to do. But what they didn’t know was that permissive parenting often leads to low achievement, poor decision making, displays of aggression, less understanding of emotional states, inability to manage time, poor habits, delinquency and substance abuse. They were setting Johnny up for severe emotional and psychological problems later in life.

Description of Four Different Parenting Styles

Research by Diana Baumrind from the early 1960s and later research by Maccoby and Martin suggest that there are four different parenting styles: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Neglectful.

Authoritarian Parenting is seen where the parents set firm rules and punish their children for breaking them. They provide no explanation of the reasoning behind the rules. The answer is “Just do it.” Very little affection is given to the child.

The Authoritative Parenting style is one in which rules are put in place but the reasoning behind the rules are given and they are enforced affectionately.

Permissive Parenting is high on nurturing but low on expectations and rules. The parents indulge their child and rarely discipline them.

The Neglectful Parent has few demands, no rules, and little or no communication or affection.

A study done by a Brigham Young University research team showed that Permissive Parenting resulted in teen binge drinking that was three times above parent helping a child with schoolworknormal while Authoritarian Parenting resulted in teen binge drinking that was two times above normal. From these studies it appears that the optimal parenting style is the Authoritative Style in which the parents set rules but enforce them in a nurturing and supportive way. This was best described to me by a successful parent who told me that he had a mom who he knew loved him, but he also knew, that if he ever crossed the line, she would have killed him.

The Naturalistic Observation Research Method

Naturalistic observation is a research method used by psychologists and social scientists to study subjects in their natural environment. It is a research method that we have used for 50+ years. Our conclusion is that the real students in our school are the parents.

So… is there hope for permissive parents like Jill and Robert? The answer is yes. The events of our lives can shape us in ways we don’t always know and cause us to act in ways we won’t normally have.  Shotokan Karate Leadership School training will give you an insight into the impact your life events have had on you and free you to see a better way and empower you to change. Through our training you can learn to set rules in your household and enforce them with affection. Contact us if you’d like our help.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Two Opposing

Two Opposing Ideas

Why you want order and your child wants chaos and what to do about it

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald, author

Consider F. Scott Fitzgerald’s belief that holding two opposing ideas in mind at the same time was a good test for a first-rate intelligence. Then consider that Sun Tsu, the author of the 2500-year-old book, The Art of War, states that battles are won by thinking; not by fighting. The conclusion we can draw is that a person with a first-rate intelligence has a much better chance of winning in battle than a person without one. By extension the person who can win in battle, where conditions are the worst imaginable, would have a better chance of winning in life where the conditions are bad but not nearly as bad as in war.

TeachingWinning in life can mean many things but what’s true in all situations is that we must first win for ourselves then win for others. If you are dead-broke and living under a bridge, you won’t be able to help many people. You have to first fix that situation. In an emergency airlines drop oxygen masks down and tell you to put your mask on first and then help the person next to you. If you can’t breathe, you can’t do much to help anyone else.

 Growth Mindset

When I was young, the common belief was that you were born with a certain amount of intelligence and that was all you got. But social scientists have now discovered that intelligence is like a muscle that can grow and get stronger. In other words, if we work at it, we can become more intelligent. Working at it means reading, writing, studying, and formulating ideas and speaking about them.

 Messiness May Be Better Than Neatness

Researchers at the University of Minnesota tested students on how well they came up with new ideas while working in an orderly or disorderly environment. What they found was that the students working in a messy environment came up with more interesting and creative ideas as judged by independent observers than their counterparts who worked in an orderly environment. Also, Eric Abrahamson and David H. Freedman, authors of A Perfect Mess demonstrate that moderately messy systems use resources more efficiently, yield better solutions, and are harder to break than neat ones.

Order, and all that goes with it, is what parents generally want. It makes life easier. Whereas chaos and all that goes with it, is what kids want. Watch kids play when there are no adults telling them what the rules are and how

they should play the game. They are at their happiest and freest; there is nothing they love better. Child development experts tell us that kids need this type of play to grow and become who they are meant to be.

 As a parent you want to know what your child is learning


I believe that if you’ve read this far, that you want to benefit from the lessons your child is getting. So, here’s a challenge for you: hold the two opposing ideas of order and chaos in your mind at the same time and then continue to function normally. I believe you will find that they can exist together in harmony. When you do this you will become a happier and more peaceful parent to your perfectly messy and chaos loving child.

Marty Callahan has spent his life understanding and improving the lives of students both young and old. His passion led to the founding of the Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA in 1981 with a dream to awaken the extraordinary leader in his students. Having inspired, taught, coached, supported and trained over 15,000 students in 40,000 classes, Marty has become Sonoma County’s preeminent martial arts leadership instructor.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Arms Folded

But What about ME!

The trouble the BIG ME can cause your child and 5 tips to tame it.

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Ego is the sum total of how we see ourselves and having a healthy one is an absolute necessity. It’s imperative that we believe that we are capable of doing good in the world. But if ego is left unchecked it becomes the BIG ME and when that happens look out because trouble is not far behind. ‘What kind of trouble?’ you ask… school trouble, relationship trouble, health trouble, money trouble, work trouble, trouble with the law… you name it. Trouble will follow your child wherever they go and who ever they are with. And it won’t be their fault (that’s what they will tell you) it ‘ill always be someone else’s fault.  So how can you, as the parent, help your child see the need to tame their BIG ME? Here are 5 tips but before you start be prepared for resistance. The BIG ME is fierce and wants to be in charge. To tame it you must be patient and wait for it to come to you.

instructor teaching girl martial artsTeach your child the following:

  1. To get by on as little as possible this will slowly transform their ‘take, take, take’ into ‘give, give, give.’
  2. To ‘fall down on their knees’ every day and thank heaven for what he has in life no matter how small it might be.
  3. To put other people’s needs first. For example, teach them to serve food to a younger sibling or grandparent first before taking food for them selves.
  4. That there is no such thing as perfection and that the way forward is from mistake to mistake.
  5. To accept failure as being a part of success. The batting averages of the best baseball hitters are around .300. This means they fail 7 times out of 10 and yet they are the best.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Unlimited Options

Unlimited Options

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

FocusYour child is facing a world that is getting more chaotic and competitive every day. To some extent you must be worried about how they will handle it and what is the best way to prepare them. We believe the best way to prepare them is to help them become the best person they can be.

There are many goals that a person might pursue in life. Some goals are personal and selfish, others are meaningless. The most valuable goals are noble and honorable. They support a person for a lifetime and put them in a position to do good in the world. Developing one’s character is one of those goals. It is a worthy pursuit. But don’t take my word for it, read what some of the world’s greatest minds have to say.

“Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. For your character is what you are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”

– Dale Carnegie


“When life changes to be harder. Change yourself to be stronger. What hurts you today makes you stronger tomorrow.”

– Edwin Mamerto


“Always remember this. Grapes must be crushed to make wine. Diamonds form under pressure. Olives are pressed to release oil. Seeds grow in darkness. Whenever you feel crushed, under pressure, pressed, or in darkness, you’re in a powerful place of transformation. Trust the process.”

“Life is hard for everyone. It’s either hard because you decided not to pay the price to become valuable and you suffered the consequences. Or it’s hard because you paid the price to become valuable but then your options become unlimited.”

– Bill Crawford, Air Force Fighter Pilot


“Warriors are not what you think of as warriors. The warrior is not someone who fights, for no one has the right to take another life. The warrior, for us, is the one who sacrifices himself for the good of others. His task is to take care of the elderly, the defenseless, those who cannot provide for themselves, and above all, the children, the future of humanity.”

– Sitting Bull, Hunkpapa Lakota Indian Chief


“Fortune favors the bold. Audacity pays off. Early audacity can pay off the most.”

– Warren Buffett


“Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success.”

– John Hays Hammond


“Our ability to handle life’s challenges is a measure of our strength of character.”

– Les Brown


“Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared, but only men of character are trusted.”

– Alfred Adler


martial arts buddiesThe character and leadership training we give your child will give them unlimited options. For their sake, parent, learn about what our training is the many benefits of training to Black Belt and Beyond and keep your child training.  Everywhere you look in the world there are problems. Problems that need capable, intelligent leaders to solve them. Those problems are not going to go away any time soon. The leaders of the future will need to solve them; our children will either be those leaders or not.

Shotokan Karate Leadership School® training is a call to action. It’s a call for you to awaken the extraordinary leader in your child. The question is, will you answer this call. Help us help your child become the person they are meant to be and a leader of the future. Give them unlimited options.

I sincerely hope you will, and I look forward to having your child train with us for many years to come.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Teen Leadership

What Qualifies Us to Teach Children Leadership?

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

There are many different traditions in the martial arts. The Shotokan Karate tradition, established by the great Master Gichin Funakoshi, values character development over technical prowess.  To quote from his Niju Kun, or twenty precepts: “Spirit and mind are more important than technique.”

Master Funakoshi’s successor, Masatoshi Nakayama in his widely acknowledged volumes titled Best Karate says:

“Training means training of body and spirit, and above all else one should treat his opponent courteously and with the proper etiquette. It is not enough to fight with all one’s might; the true objective in karate-do is to do so for the sake of justice.”

loyaltyLong ago it was recognized that training that developed the mind and spirit, as well as the body, was vastly superior to training that developed only technical prowess. It was also recognized that those who completed this training developed the noble traits of courage, courtesy, integrity, humility and self-control.  And, that these traits made them excellent protectors in times of war, and superior leaders in times of peace. We believe that an empathetic person of noble character will act to correct a problem when they see one, and will inspire others to join in their cause. To us, this is what it means to be a leader.

The essence of martial arts training is to prepare oneself to face life or death situations with a calm demeanor. Once Life Benefits of Martial Arts for Kidsthis training has taken effect, the individual becomes uniquely qualified to lead. But not all martial art programs are alike. Only a training program designed to develop superior character will produce the superior leaders we need today.

We provide a superior training program that develops the mind, body and spirit and it is why we are qualified to teach leadership to children.

Now the question remains, will you answer this call? We sincerely hope you will.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!

Getting to know others

Niju Kun #4 – First, you must know yourself. Only then can you know others.

By Shotokan Karate Leadership School in Santa Rosa, CA

Knowing yourself gives you insight into other people. That’s where you start. Without self-knowledge, your basis for understanding others is incomplete. So, what Knowing Yourselfdoes this mean? It can mean many things and my understanding of it continues to grow as I continue to practice but for now here’s a synopsis.  Knowing yourself means to know your mind, body and spirit both separately and together as one. Knowing your body means to know if you are healthy or sick, weak or strong, in pain or comfortable and to what degree you are all of these and in what way are you all of these. If you are weak in body for example what part of your body is weak? Your legs? Your arms? Your torso? And what do you have to do to make them stronger? Once you know how your body is weak then you can work to strengthen it.  Knowing your mind means to know what you are thinking, and to know what you know and what you don’t know. However, as Mark Twain said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” We tend to think that what we think is fact when in reality it’s only our opinion and often isn’t true. You must be able to tell fact from fiction.  And you must be willing to say that you just don’t know something.

Leadership skills with martial artsYour spirit is your life force, so knowing your spirit means to know the strength of your life. How are you coping with life? Are you overcome by the sheer enormity of it? Are you taking life on and meeting it’s challenges on your own terms? Are you worried and filled with doubt? Are you experiencing peace and serenity? Do you have dreams for what you’d like your life to be like?  Have you set goals? Are you working towards those goals? These are all an indication of your spirit. If your spirit is strong, you can accomplish just about anything. Of these three – body, mind and spirit – spirit is most important. It is what makes you alive. Knowing the condition of your spirit is critically important to your success. Deep breathing, relaxation exercises, and focused effort will do wonders to bring your spirit back up.

Please visit for information about our martial arts school in Santa Rosa, CA!